PGS Giving Day is undoubtedly PGS at its best! A truly caring community determined to impact positively on the lives of others. Last year this was demonstrated through hundreds of acts of kindness in our local communities, alongside an amazing array of active and creative challenges. With pupils, alumni, parents and staff united, I am confident that this year we can continue to #BeTheDifference…I cannot wait!

Georgia Radford OP, Junior School Assistant Head – Academic

Everyone deserves an education as fantastic as the one PGS gave to me but not everyone is lucky enough to be able to pay for it. My privilege, and the opportunities it unlocked for me, mean I can now support my school regularly, and why events like this Giving Day are so important. All the donations received during this event will be matched, meaning that more funds can be raised and more promising young people can be offered bursaries.

Maddy Farnworth (OP 2011)